City Council Chambers
355 South Center Street Westmorland, CA 92281
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation:
Roll Call:
Fire Department – Chief Sergio Cruz
Police Department – Chief Lynn Mara
City Manager- Laura Fischer
Public Works Director - Ramiro Barajas
Open the Public Hearing to Gather Input from the Public Regarding the Draft Sixth Cycle Housing Element.
Discussion/Action: After Hearing any Comments Regarding the 6th Cycle Housing Element, Adopt Resolution Number 2024-16 to Adopt the DRAFT Housing Element as Presented Prior to Review by Housing and Community Development Department. Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/Action to Accept the Citywide Financial audits for Fiscal Years 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023; and authorize staff to file the audits with appropriate state and local agencies – Fechter & Associates – Ms. Sandy Sup
Discussion/Action to Adopt Resolution Number 2024-14 to Approve the Application for Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Funds Under Transportation Development Act for Fiscal Year 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23. – Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/Action to Approving Resolution 2024-15 Authorizing the Mayor to sign and file for an on behalf of the City of Westmorland the Necessary Documents for Submission of a Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Application to the State of California Water Board. – Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/Action to Modify the scope of work for the PER Capita park grant project and authorize Laura Fischer, Manager, to sign the necessary documents to complete construction and reimbursement. Laura Fischer
Discussion/Action to authorize two Council members to attend the California League of Cities Annual Conference & Expo in Long Beach on October 16 through October 18 – Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/ Action Approval to purchase spool of electrical wire to repair Settled Water Pump wiring at WTP for $3.500.00- Ramiro Barajas, PW Director
Discussion/ Action Approval to pay Primo Construction in the amount of $9,258 for emergency sewer line repair at 200 Block of West 7th street- Ramiro Barajas, PW Director
Discussion/ Action Approve payment of invoice to Precision Electric Motor and Pump Services for repair Settled Water Pump #3 at WTP in the amount of $14,579.60- Ramiro Barajas, PW Director
Information Only: Training Scheduled at City Hall for Implementation of Frey Municipal accounting Software – Laura Fischer, Manager
Council meetings are Open to the Public
If you need further assistance, please email the City Clerk